Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teachers' Day Performance Details

hello people!

sorry there haven't been updates for quite long. anyway, cca has been suspended until after promos (you all should already know).

however, we still have the Teachers' Day Performance coming up on 29 August. 25 August(Mon) and 27 August(Wed) are the rehearsals and we have to be present. The rehearsal on the 27th (wednesday) will probably be a full-dress rehearsal and will go according to the programme on the actual day. The rehearsal on 25th (monday) will just be a session to familiarise your performance on stage. Please mark these dates down in case you forget.

Performance attire is club tee and jeans.

The items we are performing are 13 Days In France and Star Wars.

Jiayou and remember to practise your guitar kay!


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