Friday, June 15, 2007 last photo!! the most important photo...

this photo very important worz!! =)...everyone pls give a round of applause to Catherine again!!! ^^...really very nice, and see how our banner is like above other banners...haha =p...anyways, the more i listen to Ju Hua Tai, the more i start to miss Varolari...although its a totally different feeling from Resonance, i guess it was because i was a J1 then, nth much to worry abt, and only got 1 performance, thats why i could "feel" the concert more as an audience, a performer and a backstage helper...but i guess Varolari was more hectic...thats why, it din give me that feel..haha...
nvm, im sure next year's concert will be better ya?? jia you juniors!!
im gonna miss mondays and going to miss the guitar room, LT4, E201 and going to miss Frankie going to...haish...

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