Saturday, March 29, 2008

Audition Dates

Hi everyone,

Here are some updates for the audition dates. There are three auditions altogether currently. Please take note of their dates below.

1. Group Item Audition - 31 March, Monday

This will the last chance given to groups that have come up with an item for concert and yet still have not gone through auditions.

2. "Probation Period" Audition - 2 April, Wednesday

This audition is only liable for these people named below.
Qian Xiang
Hao Xiang

Please note that it has been brought forward from 4 April, Friday, to 2 April, Wednesday. Do inform either Denyse or me, Yingzhi, if you have any valid reason to be absent for it. This audition will be the last round of auditions given for the 5 J2 ensemble pieces (i.e. Shan Liang, Morenita, Samba, Lambada, Spring's Message).

3. Bouree Audition - 5 April, Saturday

As there will be practice on this coming Saturday, 5 April, the audition for Bouree will be conducted during that practice. This will also be the one and only audition given for Bouree, as all concert items will be confirmed by latest next week.

Please ignore the previous audition dates given in previous posts, as these are the most updated ones.

That will be all. Thank you.

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