Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life goes on...

Much as I'd like to mope and mourn more, I have many other duties waiting for me to attend to. The J1 exco needs to be selected, my H3 final exams next week need to be studied for, I need to catch up on my homework etc. I'm sure all of you have your own commitments and responsibilities to uphold, and thinking about our dismal SYF results will not do anything to change them, so it's probably best to "move on" and put it behind you. Engross yourself in your school work, play some sports, or - if it isn't too painful - continue improving your guitar skills. Whatever it is, don't dwell on unfortunate (even unfair) figments of the past - once you forget them it will be as if they never happened. Ok, not really. But still, it's not the end of the world, and there are many other important things out there waiting for us. Life goes on...

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